Page Title: Bellingham's Pedestrian Master Plan

Bellingham's Pedestrian Master Plan

"The Pedestrian Master Plan is Bellingham's action agenda to create a safer, more walkable and healthy city. Implementing this plan is key to enhancing our quality of life, fostering economic vitality, and protecting our environment. Most importantly, this plan builds a sense of community. When we walk, we connect more with others and with our environment. Let's work together to make the vision in this plan a reality!"

- Kelli Linville, Mayor of Bellingham, 2012-2020


Bellingham's Pedestrian Master Plan was first created over a 14-month process in 2011 and 2012. It was adopted by a unanimous vote of the City Council in August 2012. Since then, the recommendations, tools, and policies contained within the Plan have served as the basis for the City's pedestrian infrastructure projects and programs. The City is now in the process of updating the 2012 Plan, with the goal of adopting the updated plan sometime in 2022.

Pedestrian Master Plan Workgroup

Walk & Roll Bellingham has formed a workgroup which is creating a set of recommendations for the Pedestrian Master Plan update that will be published on our website. If you have a suggestion for a Bellingham-area improvement that could improve activities such as walking, pushing a stroller or rolling in a wheelchair, use this form to share your suggestion with us:

Suggestion Form

Workgroup Members:

  • Nick Sotak
  • Janet Higbee-Robinson
  • Jenny Tennessen
  • Liza Higbee-Robinson
  • Rhys Faler
  • Robin Thomas

Get in touch with the workgroup:

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Section Title: Update Process

City of Bellingham's Pedestrian Master Plan Update Process

City Staff Prepare

COB staff prepare to initiate the Pedestrian Master Plan update process

RFQ Posted Online

COB posts a RFQ which begins the process of selecting and hiring a consulting agency to work on helping to update the Pedestrian Master Plan.

Consulting Agency Selected
(expected Feb 2022)

COB selects a consulting agency to work on the Pedestrian Master Plan update

Project Management Team Begins Work

Representatives from COB’s Public Works and Planning departments, along with the consulting agency begin work

Opportunities for Public Involvement

COB will seek the public's input through a number of as-yet-undefined opportunities such as surveys and workshops.

Draft Plan Update Completed

The initial draft of the Pedestrian Master Plan is completed and submitted to the Bellingham City Council.

Final Plan Update Adopted

Bellingham City Council vote and approve the adoption of the updated Pedestrian Master Plan

Steering Committee Begins Work

A steering committee comprised of representatives of key community stakeholders is formed and begins to meet.







